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Why Choose Mid Century Modern Furniture Design

October 19, 2016 2 min read

Post Date: 10/19/2016

Home is where the heart is. And, lucky enough for you, if your heart happens to be in Mid-Century modern, then you can find home pretty much anywhere.

The Mid Century modern style stands apart from the world of art deco and modernism that has embraced much of urban living. What makes it stand out from its contemporaries is an embracing of nature, bringing the outdoors, in.

If you are already in love with Mid Century modern design, then you don’t need to be told why this design trend and style is so necessary. If you are already sold, then you know the glories of clean lines and raw materials.

Looking for a place to rest your head? Or moving away from a transitory lifestyle, and looking to settle down? If not for good then at least a few years?

Below are a few reasons why you should think twice about a mid century modern home that embraces simplistic trends in interior design.

It’s less stressful

Why do so many millennials and young professionals look to mid century modern design as the choice design in their homes? The answer might be more simple than you think. The reason is its simplicity.

Owners of Mid Century modern furniture know what we’re talking about. There is nothing more perfect than coming home after a long day to a home that is clean not only because of its tidiness, but because of the aura that Mid Century modern design provides.

Clutter, overly decorous furniture that requires upkeep and care –these are the things we young professionals wish to be extinct from our evolving homes, our new pads and places. And there’s no reason our first  homes can’t also be our favorite homes.

Your first home can be your favorite home

For many, our first car was a hand-me-down. We may not all have gotten the brand new Ferrari off the shelf, or the Audi straight from the dealership downtown. For me, my first car was an old Taurus covered in ash stains from the previous owner.

Your first home, however, can be just what you want it to be, if investing in your furniture and interior design is important to you. Embracing the lifestyle of mid century modern is all about bringing simplicity to our increasingly hectic schedules

Gingko Furniture – proliferation of fine design

Looking to bring this simplicity home? Check out quality, custom-made furniture maker Ginkgo Furniture located in the SF Bay Area –purveyors of fine design and natural inspirations.

Read more articles:
- How to bring mid century modern furniture into your home
- Minimalist lifestyle and mid century modern furniture
- Best places for mid century modern design