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What Mid Century Modern Tells Us About the Future

November 07, 2016 2 min read

Post Date: 11/7/2016

The home –the greatest place for families. The promise of the American dream. Unfortunately, the home as a concept has suffered somewhat in the last decade, due in part to the housing market crash. But regardless, the house and home continues to be a symbol of hope for us. It’s the place that we can dream of having –the dream of a better life for ourselves, and for our families.

So what positive notes can we take from our mid century modern homes? Mid century modern couches, beds –what do these furniture designs tell us about ourselves, and the future of design?

Mid century design –quality design since forever?

There’s a reason that Mid Century Design has been around for so long. The fact that mid century modern furniture like couches and chairs has remained popular tells us something about how long it will remain.

Mid Century modern design appeals to us on a much deeper level than perhaps any other design. Unlike the elaborately adorned designs of the past, or the metallic look common in past decades–mid century modern does more by creating less.

Incorporated into its natural exposed wood look, its simple designs, and its open concept and wide open windows, Mid Century modern furniture boasts a quality design that could mean the future of our world.

A few reasons you might see more modern architecture

As prices go up for properties around San Francisco, you could see an increased need for mid century modern furniture. People no longer want the endless space that they once did. In fact, people talk about the need for small sets of places where they can access their things more easily.

This kind of design has a name -mid century modern. As simple and concise becomes more necessary, you may also see the need to make smaller spaces more aesthetically appealing to compete and stand out from others.

As the population grows, selling more space might just not become a valid way by which landowners can differentiate themselves. The answer then? Quality design.

“The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.”–Frank Lloyd Wright

That architecture affects our civilization may be true, but furniture also impacts civilization at a smaller scale –the home and its inhabitants. How does your interior design create more optimism for you?