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How Gingko Furniture is Inspired by Nordic Design

September 15, 2016 2 min read

Post Date: 9/15/2016

What is important to you when it comes to design? Are you more interested in clean lines, comfort, minimalism? For lovers of clean lines, and the raw look, Gingko is the perfect fit. Simply browsing through our selection of Mid Century Modern furniture is enough to make your mouth water. You can almost feel the smoothness of the edges, and see the transformation of your home take place.
So where does this fashion and style sense come from? We’ve talked before about how Gingko is made in the rich tradition of Mid Century Modern design. But what perhaps hasn’t been as emphasized is our debt to the rich history of Scandinavian Design.

Scandinavian design –nothing to do with the Vikings

When we think about Scandinavians, a few things come to mind. The Swedish Olympic Soccer team that was able to upset the US this year in the 2016 Olympics, the Icelandic Soccer team that was able to upset Britain. Some of us might think about History channel’s TV series, “Vikings.”

Aside from sports teams and cultural Icons, we have also inherited a rich aesthetic from the Scandinavians. If Gingko Furniture embodies the equilibrium between function and aesthetic, we owe that to Scandinavian Design.

Where does it begin?

Scandinavian Design comes out of the decidedly northern furniture aesthetic prominent in the Scandinavian countries during the 20th Century. Needless to say, the history of art is often responsible for the trends and elements of interior design and architecture.

What we know as Scandinavian Design, or Mid Century Modern, is indebted to the art movement spurned on by realism. It was an act of defiance against the machine age encroaching on the everyday man.

Thus, difficult and complex patterns and objects became undesirable around the home. The modern man and woman began to desire clean lines, and a look that harkens the remembrance of nature.

Scandinavian Design -quality furniture made accessible

As a part of this new demand for a cleaner and simpler fashion grew, the Scandinavians developed a style of furniture that not only looked beautiful, but was accessible for the modern person. Scandinavian design came to America via furniture fashion shows that displayed the “Scandinavian way of life,” and its unique and forward-thinking designs. The accessibility of Scandinavian design quickly became popular, and remains a design mainstay today, evident in the clean lines and beautiful designs here at Ginkgo Furniture.